Hosted at The Aerial, BVI, a private island in the beautiful British Virgin Islands, the Dead Sea to Everest Private Island Adventure Race is once in a lifetime event to support the Dead Sea to Everest Expedition. This expedition has never been done before and serves as a metaphor for the human experience, to go from the lowest point on earth to the highest while pushing through all the obstacles that present themselves along the way. This expedition will also be used to bring to light one of the darkest evils of our time, human trafficking, and by engaging in this mission, you will be part of the solution.
Led by Aerial Recovery, Charlie Engle, and Dean Karnazes, these 5 days will teach you how to welcome hardship and dig deeper than you ever have to push past the hardest mental and physical challenges in life. Learn how to prepare for, endure through, and recover from an exciting adventure race that leads you all over the beautiful British Virgin Islands.
Spouses are encouraged to come and participation in the training event is not mandatory. Instead enjoy all the amenities of the beautiful private island and a surprise separate activity.
$17,500 per Single Room
$10,000 per Shared Room
FOR QUESTIONS & RESERVATIONS: Text or WhatsApp Kacie Darden at (615) 961-7266